高雄市青年局 大港青年實習計劃

「丞易國際:培育年青人才,共創未來」 2023/08/01 報導

“ParaLucent International: Cultivating Young Talents to Create a Better Future” 2023/08/01 report


In the past few years, ParaLucent International has been actively participating in the Kaohsiung Dagang Youth Internship Program organized by the Youth Bureau. This program provides us with valuable opportunities to engage with young talent. Through internships, these young people have demonstrated excellent professionalism and work attitude, and have become the backbone of our company. ParaLucent International has always attached great importance to the cultivation of young people, and we believe that they are the hope of the future. Participating in this program not only provides them with practical opportunities, but also allows us to explore and innovate together. We look forward to more opportunities for cooperation in the future, to make progress together and create brilliance together.

青年局頒發感謝狀給丞欣科技提供高雄青年優質實習機會 2023.03.15.

The Youth Bureau issued a certificate of appreciation to ParaLucent International for providing high-quality internship opportunities for Kaohsiung youth